
See The Lulz on YouTube  😛           #AntiSec
The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.

-Thomas Jefferson

Did u miss it before? naaah… here goes again…including new shits, cocks and candy
(tho this is not an emergency anonymous press release lol xD)
<kayla> that sounds illegal!
* kayla phones police \:D/
<kayla> :3

❤ kayla
-Can I haz rootz?

Linux 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 12
18:10:13 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
-hmm, it’s updated…but well…wtf…yep, sure.


[root@core root]# cat /etc/shadow
root:$1$G8.7ry/p$PlTv1DWmeFkYQfXf8Vg0J/:15315:0:99999:7::: —-> 😡

….hm, im 12 and what is thiz?

ok guise. moooooooooooooore candiez, for the lulz ofc: —> xD lol! hbgary
can i haz hookers?

# Source

Change default login wallpaper in Mac OS X Lion

Here’s how you can change Lion’s default wallpaper login.

1. Make sure the image you want to use for your wallpaper matches your screen resolution (it can be a bit larger but it should at least match your screen resolution).
2. Open a Finder window then go to Macintosh HD > System > Library > Frameworks > AppKit.
framework > Versions > C > Resources.
3. Make a backup copy of NSTexturedFullScreenBackgroundColor.png.
4. Rename your new wallpaper to NSTexturedFullScreenBackgroundColor.png (make sure your new wallpaper is in .png format before renaming).
5. Drag your new wallpaper file to the Resources folder mentioned above. You’ll need to authenticate by typing in your password to replace the file.
6. You can logout to see the new wallpaper on your login screen.
7. If you want the old wallpaper, just rename it back to NSTexturedFullScreenBackgroundColor.png and replace the wallpaper that you put in the Resources folder.

You can watching video how to Change default login wallpaper in Mac OS X Lion here.

Puppy Linux

What’s Puppy?

Puppy Linuxwas first released by Australian developer Barry Kauler in 2005. Since then this community distribution has gone through five releases, with the current crop of 5.x versions coming out starting in late 2010.
Puppy is a general purpose distro that bundles a full range of apps. It’s easy to use. What makes it unusual is that it offers high performance on minimal hardware. It is fully functional on lightweight netbooks, thin clients, and older computers. Puppy uses specific technologies to make this happen. For example, it runs from memory by default; it excludes all but the mandatory functions, services, and daemons; its default GUI is the lightweight netbooks, thin clients, and older computers. Puppy uses specific technologies to make this happen. For example, it runs from memory by default; it excludes all but the mandatory functions, services, and daemons; its default GUI is the lightweight JWM; and its bundled apps are all selected for low resource consumption.
While there are competing distros that run on low-end hardware — such as Lubuntu, SliTaz, Tiny Core, and others — Puppy is probably unique in that it specifically tests and runs on older equipment. If you’ve ever tried running Linux on an aging computer, you know that older computer are two different requirements. Puppy fulfills both. It runs on machines you won’t see running other current distros, including P-III’s and P-II’s. (Some even run Puppy — with GUI — on P-I’s.) Puppy offers a secure, up-to-date replacement OS for Windows XP, 98, ME, and 2000.
Puppy boots from any bootable device and stores its state on any writeable device. It can span writeable CD’s or DVD’s when saving its state. Got a computer with a broken optical drive? Or a dead hard disk? Puppy runs fine on such systems. This flexibility makes it popular as a “live” operating system bootable from thumb drives and optical discs. Many use it as a rescue system or as a portable OS.

My Favorite Puppy Features

Puppy is uniquely effective with slow or unreliable internet connections. It manages connections and prompts servers when problems occur. I have a friend who has poor line quality — and few options, living in a rural area. He runs Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Windows XP SP3, and Puppy 5. He favors Puppy because of its more reliable internet connectivity.
Puppy continues to use GRUB instead of GRUB 2. I use it to install GRUB on multi-boot systems so that I can alter the OS menu simply by editing the menu.lst file. This is great when I set up computers for end users.
And GRUB 2? I installed Ubuntu 11 on an end user’s system recently and was embarrassed in front of the client by its unintelligible boot-time menu. It’s not easy to change this menu.
This discussion shows how to remove unwanted entries. If you want to change the entry titles, you’re forced to edit the bash scripts.

# Source

Can open source save the planet?

“Ambitious open source projects are nothing new. After all, the free software movement started with the GNU project – the creation of free tools to build a free operating system – which at one point many would have considered an impossible dream.”
However, the participants in the Open Source Ecology project take ambition to new heights. The project takes the principles that were developed originally by the open source software movement and later the experiments with open source hardware, and applies them to developing an environmentally friendly society by creating open source tools capable of building sustainable communities – pretty much from scratch, using recycled and scrap materials” [Read full story…]

2011: Year of Hacks

Even, Every year is the year of the hacking as long as there are hackers out there ready to execute their malicious programs and attain their goals like gathering important information to the victim’s computer, stealing important identities, credit card information, etc. This year 2011 could be another generation of hacking. Since every year there are always forward advancements of the tools and programs that could use by the hackers. The most important is to avoid them if you are a computer user.

RSA Hack (3/17/2011)
Unknown attacker, although China believed to be suspect. Motive is probably espionageMethod
-Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) targeted at individuals within an organization using social engineering. Malware hidden in an Excel spreadsheet exploited a zero-day (unpatched) Flash hole.
-SecurID token deployments at financial, government and other sites were at risk.

Comodo Hack and several of its digital certificate resellers (3/23/2011)
21-year-old Iranian patriot took credit saying he was protesting US policy and retaliating against the US for its alleged involvement with last year’s Stuxnet, which experts say was designed to target Iran’s nuclear program.

Compromise of digital certificate registry authorities led to the theft of digital certificates that are used by sites to prove they are who they are legitimate.
If they had not been revoked the faked certificates could have been used to spoof sites like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Skype.

Sony (Indonesia, Japan , Thailand, Greece , Canada, Netherlands, Europe, Russia, Portugal) & Sony PlayStation Network Hacked (4/6/2011-6/8/2011)
LulzSec, Anonymous, Lebanese hacker Idahc and various other hackers organized the attack in retaliation for Sony attempting to identify visitors to PlayStation 3 hacker George Hotz’ blog site, as well as seeking data from his Twitter and YouTube accounts as part of a lawsuit. The case was later settled out of court.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS), Sql injection
Defacement of various domains of Sony and Personal information of 77 million people, including customer names, addresses, e-mail addresses, birthdays, PlayStation Network and Qriocity passwords, user names, online handles and possibly credit cards were exposed.

100’s of Gmail users (6/1/2011)
Google says attack originated in China and appeared designed to monitor communications of journalists, political activists and military personnel.
After stealing passwords with a phishing attack, perpetrators apparently used the passwords to change Gmail users’ forwarding and delegation settings.

NATO Hacked (6/23/2011)
After NATO released a report singling out Anonymous’ hacktivism as a cyber threat, the group warned NATO not to challenge it.
7ubscribers to NATO’s e-Bookshop service were urged to change their passwords after a possible compromise of usernames, passwords, addresses and e-mail addresses.

BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM) Defacement (8/9/2011)
Attacker -Team Poison
RIM’s BlackBerry blog was hacked in retaliation for RIM offering to assist London police in combating rioters, many of whom are using BlackBerrys to organize.

NOTE: List not Finished here, You can check more latest Hacking News in here.

# Source

Tor Browser Bundle

The Tor Browser Bundle lets you use Tor on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software. It can run off a USB flash drive, comes with a pre-configured web browser, and is self-contained. If you would prefer to use your existing web browser, install Tor permanently, or if you don’t use Windows, see the other ways to download Tor
You can download Tor Browser Bundle here.

# Source

Here Comes GIMP 2.7.4 For Testing!

The GIMP development team has released version 2.7.4 of the GNU Image Manipulation Program image editing software.
The version is aimed at the developers, testers and early adopters. This is the fourth point update to the 2.7.x branch and is an unstable development snapshot.
It comes fixed with bugs found in the previous release. It also brings along changes to the user interface.
According to a report from The H, changes in the GUI include improvements to the transform tools, undo strings to make them more descriptive, updates to stacking for canvas items and in single-window mode along with a close [Read full story…]

“DoudouLinux” Linux for kids!

Linux released OS for kids?
I can’t believe it, but it’s real..
Hahaha, it’s funny when my lil br0 exploit some server with this distro.. LOL 😀
notes=> explain that Doudou doesn’t play well with others. It’s a little selfish and wants the whole hard drive to itself! Well, you don’t have to tell your kids that part.

Some of the listed improvements for this release include:
* new application PixFrogger
* animated splash during system boot
* autologin can be activated by selecting only one activity in the activities menu
* internal hard disks are now all mounted read-only at boot, which really prevents children from writing on them, and even from reading using the file explorer PCManfm

You can download DoudouLinux 1.1 Gondwana English here.
